Three hundred thousand mammals, birds, lizards and frogs are unnecessarily killed or displaced by native forest logging each year in Tasmania. Wildlife is often directly killed by machinery, and the ones that do survive are faced with habitat loss. Many other deaths are caused by the burning of logged areas, culling, or are killed by logging trucks driven at night.
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Mature forests, particularly ones that contain hollow bearing trees, are extremely important for wildlife. Eucalypt trees can take hundreds of years to form hollows. Logging removes old hollow-bearing trees which many birds and mammals rely on for shelter and nesting.
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Healthy, intact forests are necessary for wildlife. Logging has increasingly fragmented landscapes, leaving behind only small patches of mature forest behind. In the southern forests production area, the average width of a patch of mature forest is only 200 metres. These small patches of forest provide poor habitat for animals and are more prone to fire and wind damage.

Over the coming decades, our wildlife will be heavily impacted by climate change. We need to give them the best chance for survival. Protecting our native forests is the best action that Tasmania can take for reducing our emissions. At the same time, protecting native forests will improve the chances that wildlife can survive the impacts of a warming, more fire prone world.

What you can do to help?
Tell the Tasmanian Government that you want to see an end to native forest logging.