German Tree Care Conference - preorder form
IDEUTSCHE BAUMPFLEGETAGE 2025 preorder, all prices are in Australian dollars. AUD $1 ~ €0.58
Prints can be picked up at the conference or shipped to you directly from within Germany. Shipping is estimated to begin 2 days before the conference and can continue for 2 weeks after the conference. Final shipping date for orders in Germany 20 May 2025

Big tree illustrations, 80cm tall

Big tree posters, 100cm tall
Fine art archival quality prints

Vanishing forest, vanishing wildlife stickers
Clothing designs for tree enthusiast

How to photograph a giant.
67 days of waiting, watching and wondering if it would actually happen. This is still one of the best projects we’ve done. Our Gandalf’s Staff tree portrait was an epic battle of willpower over the weather.
As you can see in the video our camera system spans a 60m gap between two giant trees. Then a secondary pulley system lets us raise and lower the camera array the entire vertical height of the tree. Placing this system in the exact location then required a third line to redirect the placement just 1.5 meters uphill. All up it took us 2 weeks to get just the camera system to drop down out of the sky and sit perfectly in the exact location we needed it to.
Then we waited for the perfect wind, fog and sunrise conditions to create something truly exceptional.